On 27th October 2009 I was lucky enough to visit the wonderful city of Nagasaki .
It has a rich history and there are plenty of fantastic things to see and learn about .
In addition I wanted to visit the atomic bomb museum and peace park . It was beyond moving to stand at the exact spot over which the bomb exploded . I urge anyone to visit Nagasaki if you are in the South of Japan, learn it's rich history, eat lunch in China Town and be humbled by it's messages of peace.
Today on the 66th anniversary of that atomic bombing I was able to watch a recording of the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Ceremony which was broadcast live on NHK TV earlier in the day . The broadcast included an interview with a father and daughter from Fukushima who attended the ceremony , they feared that no one would consider marrying the girl simply because she had lived in Fukushima echoing the prejudices that occurred for people from Nagasaki all those years ago. In the U.K. the plight of the survivors of the earthquake and tsunami seems overshadowed by the Fukushima incident but the speeches and interviews at todays ceremony highlighted the fear felt by those people living near the nuclear plant.
The survivors of the bomb in Nagasaki speaking about their experiences must be the most qualified people living on this earth to express their opinions on nuclear weapons and nuclear power.
The ceremony was incredibly moving and I'm glad I was able to see the entire event with an English commentary .
photos from my visit to Nagasaki ,
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