Following the recovery .

Under construction please be patient .
Collecting together links and information about the recovery process following the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan.
Combined with thoughts , comment and hopefully positive news.
While I'm working on posts please check out the links in the side bar where there is plenty to read
Thank you.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

100 Santas Came!

We have made a donation from the funds raised by selling the Sakura CD to the 100 Santas Christmas project . They will send 100 Santas to the North East coast of Japan and hand out Christmas candy to children and old people living on their own who survived the tsunami.
People outside of Japan can contribute by purchasing extra sweets for the project from an Amazon gift list .
Check the links for more details and the story that inspired the project .

100 Santas English language page

100 Santas Amazon wish list page